Friday, June 8, 2018

Niagara County Central School District Budget Vote FAQs

Niagara County Central School District Budget Votes FAQs:

The Niagara County Central School District always posts on their website,Twitter,Facebook,Instagram,Blog, and any other social media platform. They also send parents emails about when a budget vote will happen.

What is the best way to be notified about a budget vote meeting?
your best bet is to sign up for their email newsletter or follow the district twitter page. Any social media site will do and often will put it up on their website. Click here to go to the website. 

How often do budget votes normally occur?
It varies from school district to school district. But I know that the Niagara County CSD has one every couple of months(Minor Votes), but budget vote scopes that have a lot of disagreements within them, they normally will send a vote letter home,and publish a link on the district website to the vote form. I know that before my child attended Niagara County Central School District, we would only have one budget vote annually.

To vote, what are some things I need to present to the school district?
When you vote at a voting place or online you only need your drivers license,child's schedule for the ID number, and the proof of residency.

Does my vote affect the budget in any way?
Actually, It does. You may not know this but the votes from parents are actually tallied up and which ever decision is made, the district will allow faculty members to vote. From there the process of integrating the budget begins.

Why should I participate in a district budget vote? 

You should always participate in a budget vote so that the district knows what needs to be improved and what you believe is the best options for your child's needs.

Who Finalizes the Budget?
Normally a School District will budget for a financial adviser as the Niagara County Central School District does. These adviser's help the superintendent find minor errors within the budgeting plan. They rarely get rid of some budgeted funding, but this can happen. A final board hearing follows and the district decides from there what the new budget will be.

Legally, Am I the parent of a child who attends a different school district but live in the district have a say in the budget vote?
Actual you can as long as you pay taxes to that district. If you pay taxes to a different district then no.

Can I be discriminated from a budget vote due to (i.e Race,Sexual Orientation, Criminal Record, Etc.)?
You can be denied access to vote if you have a criminal record status of wanted or have 3 charges of endangerment to the public charges,Sex offender(If this is the case you will be arrested on the spot),kidnapping charges,etc.

What happens at a budget hearing, who has the final say?
A hearing normally is following the official tally of votes from parents and staff. At this hearing the Superintendent will hear all budget request per department for resources,technology.(i.e English,Art,Music,etc)

Where can I find the official budget set for the 2018-2019 school year?
Answer Pending!!!!

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1 comment:

  1. Where Can I find the official budget set for the 2018-2019 school year?


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